Investment and Risk Manager Adjustment

Statistically speaking, they are all the same - but we are not about statistics.

Investment managers work for the benefit of investors to meet specific investment goals and risk management is an indispensable part of the decision making process.

There are so many facets in this business. The term asset management is often used to refer to the investment management of collective investments, while the more generic fund management may refer to all forms of institutional as well as individual investment management ... portfolio management (money management)  is often used in the context of private-banking .....

As reason, why investment managers are able to produce above average results - 3-Ps, Philosophy, Process and  People are often used. This says it all ....

But we marketeers want to segment markets and select those segments, where we can become leaders ...

A little side step: in our machine learning framework we support a technology that is called Self Organizing Maps (the Kohonen maps). A technology that helps to "cluster" high-dimensional samples in low-dimensianal views - a kind of a neural network technique using unsupervised learning ...

Think of a football field with a win celebration and 2 beer bars - one offering dark the other light beer. Men were characterized by the colors of their hair and socks, whether they are wearing a tie ... and so on and how much light and dark beer they drink. SOM would "regroup" them forming a semantic map where similar samples are mapped closer together. So the color of socks might separate beer preferences more than, say tie or not ... Regrouping would help to place the bars better.

In the picture above you see at the right side a map of missing dots in a printed paper (beer) and on the left a special parameter of the paper making process (socks). You see that the parameter correlates with the missing dots in the corner down-left (low number of missing dost), but not in the other ...

Such technologies would help to find market segments - but we don't do that. It was not fine grain enough.
We experienced that two 10 people capital management firms do apply,say,different liquidity risk management approaches ...

And we implement it into their individual UnRisk FACTORY Capital Manager environment. But their solution will stay in line with the future releases of the product.