In search of perfection, we often ask ourself "Is it the best our team can do?" - and usually the answer is "yes", but it would be stupid to think we were done and settle. No, we disrupt ourselves ...
But, what about myself? I am not a soloist, but my responsibility is business development and this includes thinking about the UnRisk compass, strategic marketing, marketing and promotion mix, ... sales and partner plans. I ask this quite often, but I cannot give the answer myself.
My personal motivations and attitudes:
Committing to honest communication - this is the only way to start business partnerships. It includes customers, re-marketing partners, ... and the makers of UnRisk. My fear of shifting the status quo is bigger than the inconvenience of addressing a "challenge" to potential buyers, partners and friends. This fear can even lead to No, UnRisk is not for "You".
Put energy in conversation - we are passionate about quant finance, cross-sectoral math and new technologies. Why should we just tell what we do and hide how we do it?
Listen to customer and focus group orientations - but not be a slave. We like to make deadlines of our customers, but not to continuously make the urgent before the important.
Develop and maintain a culture - I want to be clear about what is important, where we are good at and what we do not like or cannot do. It is indispensable for knowing how we want to shift our business borders.
We started as exotic providers at an exotic place with exotic methodology, we demanded the latest technologies to position our offerings in a highly competitive market, we thrive, because we focus on smaller market participants who benefit from our differentiations, we require the will to change, innovate and to partner.
UnRisk shall tell a story about us. It is our promise and understanding of quantsourcing in quantitative risk management.