Do you want to work with people like us? Our track records are characterized by achievements in mathematics and computer science and our business skill set has been developed on the job.
The selection criteria for a technology always include "who". Names, track records, skill set, provenance, financial stability, market presence…
Not with people like you, may some business professionals say…you are mathematicians, but we need to do real business…
Not with people liker you, may some mathematicians say…you are transforming mathematics, a culture technique, into margins…
With people like you, say those, who care…you provide know how packages and respond to our requirements swiftly…
It was never so easy to connect globally and find the right partners for learning, developing, marketing...but traditional thinking let us still cling to preferences for neighborhood or major places, known cultural background…or scale?
I've maybe said it too often, but unleashing the programming power behind UnRisk is our chosen path for growth. It's result of long term (mathematical) thinking. It's our approach to risk optimization. Moderate growth in a constant feed back loop.
Quantsourcing empowered by UnRisk technology stack
Our technology stack combines the Unrisk Financial Language implemented in UnRisk gridEngines for pricing and calibration, a portfolio across scenario FACTORY, a VaR Universe, the UnRisk FACTORY Data Framework, UnRisk Web and deployment services and since yesterday an Excel Link that does not only link to the PRICING ENGINE, but the FACTORY. End of 2014 an engine with emphasis on counter party risk valuation will be available.
Don't start from scratch, our technology stack and products are amazing…and working with us is not too bad.