A good future-facing fight speaks to what is possible. I like this. It connects organisations and people.
We expanded this to our customer relation. Pointedly speaking, we do not sell tools, solutions or technologies, we sell customer experiences. We are highly committed to serving customers individually, whilst driving generic technologies. Turn-around cycles of, say, new deal types, requested by a customer, are often only a day. But the UnRisk version they get always remains compatible with future releases.
For radical innovation, we invite our key customers to workshops, where we discuss fundamentally new requirements and technological capabilities in the UnRisk framework. Without any barriers, in a spirit that sparks creativity. The metaphor: co-evolution of customer needs and technology development. In good fights.
Good fights need symmetry in knowledge. This is why we open our boxes and offer know-how packages.
The new UnRisk Academy starts the newly developed methods-models-implementation course tomorrow. For quants and risk experts of a key customer. It will take 15 days over the next half year.
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