We Have Passion, A Compass, Tons of Code - But Not a Name

We passionately work on the All-New UnRisk. A thoroughly elaborated compass guides us to do it right at once. We know that the timing is right, we have positioned it on the value/price map, know the licensing details, have done our strategic marketing work and we know there will be no product deficiency - in the opposite the fast growing implementations prove the concept.

Cores of it will already be part of the next release UnRisk 6 - expected in Q2-12, Shhhh....
But we still do not have a name.

Although we have identified its core values: its blazingly fast, platform agnostic kernel, supporting heterogeneous massive parallel architectures, multi-programming-language support, the made-to-measure concept with a broad coverage of deal types, models and methods organized orthogonally and unprecedented low cost of ownership - choosing a name seems to be a difficult task for us.

Obviously, we are the eager makers who want to name it by its purpose - but this is multi-strategy, multi-method, ...
Quant developers will enjoy its highest level system building capabilities seamlessly integrating into their known and proven platforms with instant, bank proof financial objects and functions.
It is still UnRisk Unnamed.