Me Talking to Myself in a Year

4-Jan-2010 I posted Me Talking to Myself in the Future, predicting a few achievements for begin 2012.

How precise? UnRisk engines version 6 will be released Q2-12. UnRisk FACTORY and Capital Manager well be at version 4 in Q4-12 with the coverage of the UnRisk 6 engine and more automation.
We have included the VaR Universe and the UnRisk Academy tied software and learning aspects together to know-how packages.
UnRisk is running on heterogenous  CPU/GPU architectures.

But the most significant change of the original plan: the All-New UnRisk is in progress.

April-13. The All-New UnRisk is in the market for a while.

What did you achieve technically?
Its engine supports all types of heterogenous CPU/GPU platforms and it provides APIs for various general and special purpose programming languages. UnRisk Services provide data base connections, GUI interfacing, use-management and much more.
In short, its blazingly fast engines are platform agnostic and chameleon-like for programmers. Chameleon-like services support application building in various directions.

What is it used for?
It continuously becomes the new kernel for our own UnRisk FACTORY and its specializations and AddOns. 
It enables quant developers, financial services organizations to develop alike solutions from libraries to SaaS/web platforms. 
It empowers financial work flow software makes to integrate valuation management into their information management systems.

What do customers assess as key benefits?
Internal: the blazingly fast platform agnostic engines, multi-language support, made to measure modularization, white box principle, broad coverage, low cost of ownership.
On business levels: bank-proof methodology, quick development along market requirements and technology revolutions, wide spectrum of solutions and saving enormous development cost.

Has your brand promise changed?
In its deep understanding, yes. UnRisk - here for innovation. 
We uncompromisingly unleash our innovations, empowering makers to build what we could build. 
This led to new partner arrangements and networks.
Here-for-innovation also means: we focus on core competences.