The Inside of the Outside as the Outside of ...

UnRisk-Q builds the computational engine of UnRisk FACTORY products. With UnRisk-Q version 6 we introduced high-level web services that link UnRisk-Q to the UnRisk FACTORY data base - FACTORY objects and data can be programmatically manipulated with full UnRisk functionality.

With webUnRisk a web enabled UnRisk based system can be built that works with the FACTORY.

Think of a work flow where scheduled and automated tasks produce massive valuable price and risk information over night, with full evidence of the input/output relations and a web based system that transforms the results into decision support, instructions, ...

It was the aim of our bottom up approach that everything shall fit to everything - and this works really well.

It is like if the flexible manufacturing systems of an automated factory take the produced parts from the storage, check their quality, add new parts and function complexes, ... and assemble cars that go to the test track ....