A few minutes ago, we decided to offer a one day workout in London. On 30-Jan-14 at the Pinner's Hall Venue of the British Bankers Association.
The workout is a reference class of the UnRisk Academy for quant fitness. It is one day of inspiring sessions about enjoying the freestyle of quant work, but staying strong, agile and balanced.
It is about the power of mathematical schemes computing and explaining financial behavior, traps of wrong model-method pumps, the benefit of variations across instruments, models and methods and the fitness killer of sloppy implementations.
It is organized in sessions that are motivated by real problems in the bank practice.
Quants and quant developers will walk away with tips, tricks to strengthen them when explaining and demonstrating financial professionals the implications of the behavior of complex deal types to return and risk.
The workout advisors will be Michael Aichinger and Andreas Binder, the authors of the Workout book.
You may want to reserve the date. I will keep you informed.