Written by UnRiskers in a Steel Town

I write in the name of the authors and try to compile motivations, design and positioning of this book. And show that it is part of our Open Innovation commitment.

It's here. It's designed as a workout. It is about computational finance. On the experience of cross-sectoral mathematics. And training of financial professionals by the UnRisk Academy. And over 11 years of developing a risk management platform.

When quants start by developing - what do they get from reading it?

Who will it help? Will it make computational finance better? Will the proposed methods preserve? If quants are forced developing swiftly - can they perfect foundations?

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all approaches. Or standards. For every do, there are many don'ts. We spent a lot of time developing numerical schemes for the bank practice.

A physicist and a mathematician passionate about financial engineering and risk management. We sign what we and our teams make at UnRisk.

A Workout .. at Wiley