Too large timesteps?
However, due to the explicitness of trinomial trees, there is a second source of instability in trinomials: When timesteps are too large compared to the discretization in the space (i.e. the short rate) dimension, the scheme becomes unstable. Assume we want to valuate a fixed income instrument under a one-factor Hull-White model with a time horizon of 30 yearsm and we would likt o have a grid resolution for the interest rates of 10 basis points. With a typical (absolute) volatility of, say, 1 percent (a reasonable guess ), this leads to a time step of the order of 1 day and that 10000 time steps are needed.
The grid then looks 50 times finer (in both directions) than the following plot.
Only 200 of the necessary 10000 timesteps plotted here. |
No. There are much cleverer methods available.
For a more detailed description of the stability conditions, see section 4.5 of the Workout.