About complexity and simplicity in modeling and uncovering principle misunderstandings and even traps - and how to avoid them
The Big Joke of Big Data
The problem with computing "expected" returns in finance
Why diversification does not work
Red-Blooded Risk
... the Future of Computer Trading
The Blank Swan
Financial Modelers' Manifesto
Our response to this:
UnRisk Academy Events
View behind the curtain in our Mathematics posts
Agenda 2014 - Package and Disseminate Know how
Automation - Put Your Computers to Good Use While You are Sleeping
xVA - Fairer Pricing or Accounting VOODOO
When 3 Rights Make A Wrong
VaR of the Jungle
Economist and Econophysicists do not love each other
… Fit the Battle of Econo, Econo, Econo