Andreas Binder and Michael Aichinger want to point out that there are technical and economic reasons to build large scale financial solutions in the framework of Mathematica and how UnRisk ties numerical schemes that are not common in financial circles and symbolic representations to know-how packages.
And they want to point out that Mathematica's dynamic visualization techniques enable risk professionals to expose risk that is usually hidden in plain sight.
Andreas will run real portfolio-across-scenario valuations, number-crunching on our little computer cloud here in Linz and give full explanation on our computational UnRiskverse, why we have organized instruments-models-methods-implementations orthogonal, what the differential advantages of our numerical schemes for the pricing-and-inverting dynamics are and what we have learned from the PlayStation.
Michael will dive even deeper into the pricing and risk analysis of structured products, numerical methods for the valuation, as well as for calibration of model parameters, and explain why careful implementation and testing is so important.
The talk will present a range of examples and their dynamic visualization in Mathematica.