This may also be the result of a principle trap - strategic planning
Again, do organizations, quants work for, always know what that means?
A plan may let us sleep well, but it's not a strategy. A strategy is a framework of measures - not the measures themselves.
The trap of time- and cost-based thinking
To build a strategy is a wicked problem. It is about taking risks and facing an unknown future. It is uncomfortable, consequently many turn into a more comfortable activity: strategic planning. Planning is usually based on time- and cost-baesd thinking - it rarely contributes to group performances.
The trap of self-reference
If you have avoided the planning and cost trap don't forget to focus on the value makers that influence your business most: creators, developers, actors. Don't overestimate capabilities and resources.
This thinking often let see you (too) great opportunities and encourage a bad strategy.
Get out of your comfort zone
It is comfortable to think everybody needs your plans. But you better focus, make your strategy simple, without searching for perfection and explain the rationale and logic explicit. This usually makes you uncomfortable?
But this is what quants need to unfold their ideas and creativity, find new ways to help conserving capital, set the stage of successful investment and risk management, leverage technology and build more quantitative skills.
Picture from sehfelder